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Tactical Weapons Pack
Size: | Date: 25.09.2010, 15:09 | Views: 5878 | Uploaded by:

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"Tactical Weapons Pack"
Size: "94.51 MB"   Uploaded by: "Jim (9)"

"Note: These SWeps were NOT made by me. SB Spy made them. And the M24 was made by Teta Bonita.

Mirror: http://www.filefront.com/14378287/tactical-weapons-pack-all-in-one.zip/

This is a pack of all the tactical weapons made by SB Spy.

When I was downloading these SWeps, I got frustrated because of all the files I had to download, separate, and re-name, so I made them into one pack.

Just drop the file titled Tactical Weapons Pack All-In-One into your programfiles/steam/steamapps/Your Steam Name/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons folder. If you don't like the SWeps, just take the folder out of your addons folder, and they're gone.

This pack consists of 26 weapons.

The weapons are these:

1: P99 With a toggle-able silencer;

2: M4A1 With a toggle-able silencer, 2 zoom levels

3: M16A4 With a toggle-able silencer

4: MP5SD6

5: Ares Shrike

6: MP5 With a Reflex Sight

7: FN F2000

8: Bizon-2

9: Kriss

10: T.A.R. Tavor-21

11: M24 Sniper

12: XM8

13: C36

14: M14

15: HardBallers

16: PSG-1

17: Scoped M14

18: C7A1

19: C8

20: Laser Sighted Berettas

21: AK-47 "Tabuk"

22: AK-47 W GP-30 Grenade Launcher

23: G36C with a scope

24: Colt M1911

25: Semi-Spas 12

26: M3

And I think that's it."


Всего комментариев: 1
1 Shadow  
very nice addon, all working, but some gun is without saund sad and I cant spawn an ak 47, sniper :(((

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