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L4D Armored Truck Driveable
Size: 6.67 MB | Date: 15.10.2011, 20:19 | Views: 1793 | Uploaded by: ?? Ã J IA ± Ã ¤ ki

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Тэги: L4D Armored
Truck Driveable 
====THIS IS NOT ADV DUPE OR A SAVE==== This is the Armored delivery truck that can be seen in the Left 4 Dead's DLC Crashcouse campaing Finale, An obvius nod to the movie Dawn of the Dead. Great vehicle to runover zombies, it is fully compatible with VU mod, so it has passenger seats and HeadLights, for this last things to work you will need to download VU mod if you dont already have it. Here you can find it: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=37419 To install this vehicle just put the folder inside the zip into your addons folder, and enjoy. I want to thanks Wolfmasterofshadows, without his request and payment, this vehicle wont be here. Also like a Bonus it comes anoter vehicle that you will see ingame.


Всего комментариев: 1
1 ivav196818  
cool cool cool

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