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gm_Lair by Freakrules
Size: 31.19 MB | Date: 15.07.2011, 17:15 | Views: 2902 | Uploaded by: Freakrules!

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Тэги: island tropical
roleplay volcano 
Hey, everyone! This is Freakrules and I'm introducing my latest map gm_Lair.
It contains a tropical island and a Supervillains-like lair inside (you may have guessed it) a VOLCANO,
cause honestly- what's cooler than a lair inside a volcano?

The island contains:

- A giant volcano
- A field of lava running out of the volcano
- Lots of tropival vegetation
- A Shipwreck
- Two smaller islands
- A few ramps to make cool airboat-stunts
- A small lava-pit
- A glowstick-lit entrance-cave to the lair

The lair contains:

- A villains desk, authentically in front of a giant world map
- Retractable cryogenic store cells for your favourite archenemy or other stuff
- An Eyescanner- triggered front gate
- A dock inside the lair
- An underwater exit, which only can be opened from inside
- Shutters on the floor, which open a giant lava-pit
- An triggerable alarm
- A retractable weapons locker (its awesome)
And- last but not least something that every Supervillain needs:
- A giant, deadly LASER, which shoots through the volcano before it hits.. whatever you want... the moon?, the ozone layer?, Santa Clause?

(for details, look at the second picture)

The Map in general also contains:

- AI nodes
- A huge skybox
- Pretty good optimisation
- A 3D- Skybox

Only HalflifeІ-content required :D

For feedback of any kind, more maps and my latest music, visit my website http://www.TimRichter.de
If you like my work, write in my Guestbook :)

Have fun!

I'll of course read your comments, but since I wont get Facebook I'll not be able to answer them here.
So, if there's something you really need to know, go to the contact form on my website and write an E-mail.

Q: What does the keypad at the pool do?
A: It opens the underwater-gate for 20 seconds

Q: What can you do with the NPC's cryogenic cells?
A: Nothing. You just can put stuff (or frozen NPC's) into the empty storage cells

Q: Where do I put the map?
A: To garrysmod/garrysmod/maps. You also can look it up in th ReadMe file


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