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Perp Skin Pack for TDM cars
Size: 3.55 MB | Date: 01.04.2012, 14:47 | Views: 6116 | Uploaded by: AaO|Davis

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Тэги: perp skin
skins tdm 
Warning only for Perp server but there is a link for 3 new skins!

Hello, after playing on a friend sever with TheDanishMaster cars I soon notice that perp cannot change colour of some the cars that he has made, and you cannot buy a colour toolgun. This pack adds colour skins and more, so perp can change skins and the server looks a lot more colourful.

The picture is set up in order the skins go, some colours of skins might not be on a car dude to other skins filling spaces. 

There three new skins added that you can download from hear:http://filesmelt.com/dl/3_new_skins_for_TDM_cars.zip

THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED ON A SERVER! But if you do have problems get in touch and I can see what i can do.

If you are looking for all my skins I have done a pack for that: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=126502 


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