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Drumdevils Propper Props V2
Size: 89.56 MB | Date: 19.06.2011, 00:44 | Views: 3123 | Uploaded by: Drumdevil

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Тэги: models propper
train trains 
Version 2 of my Propper Train Props.
Changed the name since it's not just trains anymore.

If you have the original version installed make sure to remove it from your addons folder. Also delete the old spawnlists located in: garrysmod\garrysmod\settings\spawnlist. Delete anything starting with Drumdevil.

If you have the SVN version you don't have to download this file at all, just make sure you keep updating.

If you have any suggestions and/or questions, contact me on facepunch.com via PM: Drumdevil.

Copy paste from Read Me file:


1: Intro
2: Installation
3: Contents
4: Tips & Tricks
5: Updates
6: Notes
7: Update Notes


1) Intro

These props are made by me, mostly based on existing trains from Europe.
I am not a real modeller, but a mapper. But due the lack of train props in garry's mod, i decided to make
these props in Hammer, and then compile them with propper.

2) Installation

Place the whole folder into your addons folder. Delete any previous versions.
If you had a previous version installed (even if you use SVN), go to:
garrysmod/garrysmod/settings/spawnlist/ and delete all files starting with " "
garrysmod/garrysmod/spawnicons/ and delete the folder named "drumdevils_props"

If you keep this addon updated using SVN, you wasted your time downloading this. Although you should still delete the files mentioned above.
SVN details are down below at Notes (6).

3) Contents

This pack contains:

- Locomotives
- Passenger coaches
- Freight cars
- Train sets
- Various essentials like Bogies, pantographs etc
- A map with decent length of tracks, stations, utilities, working triggered railroad crossings, custom content, etc.

4) Tips & Tricks

Recommened addons to make use of this pack easier:
Weight Stool and Smartsnap Stool.

- Use the PHX trainwheels.
- Use physical properties > Ice on the train wheels.
- WELD the train wheels. This makes your train more stable and go faster in turns without derailing.
- Use the Weight Stool set to 1500 on the train wheels.
- Make your trhrusters around 25 kg with the Weight Stools.
- To couple trains, use the bogies with couplings in this pack. Or you can ballsocket bogies together. Also you can use a rigid rope.
- Use smartsnap to align the bogies on the trains
- Use Nocollide appropiatly.

5) Updates

Jan 15, 2011

- Bugfixes
- Model enhancements
- Enhanced collision models
- Added various stuff to the map
- Uploaded to gmod.org

Feb 5th, 2011

- Bugfixes.
- New stuff.
- Bogie with fake wheels (less props, less lag, using this makes trains even more stable!).
- couple of new textures.
- Removed some logo's, since trains are based on trains and not meant to be a remake.
- Better collision models.
- Bugfixes and visual enhancements on map.
- Removed clickclack sounds on the track, deemed anoying by some. Also reduces file size and lag.

6) Notes

Original SVN link: https://drumdevilsvn.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/drumdevilsvn
Original release thread: http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1034396-Drumdevil-s-Propper-Train-Props
Info about and download SVN: http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/
Creator steam ID: Thedragonfly
Creator Facepunch username: Drumdevil

Make sure you keep this updated via SVN!

7) Update Notes

June 8th, 2011

- Bugfixes
- Collision model enhancements (more will follow)
- Added some simple road vehicles (busses and vans)
- Enhanced some textures

June 18th, 2011

- Changed name to Drumdevil's Propper Props


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