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RP Stardestroyer Beta 2.1 Fix
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"RP Stardestroyer Beta 2.1 Fix"
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"I forgot to pakrat the skybox in, so here's the fix.

Rp stardestroyer beta 2.1

Role Play

Recomended Players
1 to 12

- Movie accurate interior and exterior as much as possible
- Vast expanse of space
- 3d skybox for spawning props to make them look bigger
- automatic doors and blast doors
- control rooms to lock and unlock doors and sound the alarm
- working elevators
- working alarm
- rooms include: main bridge, bridge communications room, numerous hallways, big hangar with control room,
small hangar with control room, TIE service area/refueling station,
TIE pilot on-call room, barracks and main generator room
- NPC hint nodes


Map made by:
Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

Custom textures:

Also uses the custom skybox "Starbox", though I don't know who made it.

Map testing:
Wizard of Distortion

General Information:

I've tried to make this as accurate as possible. The map consists of an Emperial Star Destroyer in space.
The Star Destroyer itself is about half of the full scale, I tried to make it as big as possible within the limits of the Source engine.

You spawn in either the bridge or the small hangar, an elevator will teleport you between the two. From the hangar you can use a flying vehicle to get in to space and around the Star Destroyer. Be warned that the edges of the map are very close to the front and back of the Star Destroyer, sadly I couldn't make the map any larger. There is also a 3d skybox above the map for role play purposes since props that are spawned there will look bigger than they really are, the middle of the 3d skybox marked by a star destroyer dummy that also marks the position of the real Star Destroyer, will teleport you back to the main bridge when you get close to them.

NOTICE: do not fly outside the map at the back, if you do this, and face to the center of the map, it will crash!

Version History

Beta 2.1 (current version)

- fixed skybox not being visible

Beta 2

- expanded the interior greatly, added loads of rooms and such, refer to features for details
- added working elevators
- added working doors
- added alarm
- added security camera
- added working tram

Beta 1

- first release


Facepunch Thread: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=902388


Works well with the following addons:
- Star Wars models http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=16252

- Flyable Star Wars ships http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=65119

- Stormtrooper ragdolls and playermodels http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=89413



Всего комментариев: 1
1 NeChelovek  

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