BMW skins
Size: 1.51 MB | Date: 16.07.2011, 14:30 | Views: 1318 | Uploaded by: [AaO]Davis |
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Three skins for the BMW. The black one was for TDM himself, and two
skins with stripes, one what has sponsors and a black boot the other
You can still use the colour tool on the striped ones.
The black wheels are included, if you want them just put them in the file :materials\models\tdmcars\bmwm5e60\
and then put the folder where ever you put TheDanishMaster's Bmw. "Either in garrysmod/garrysmod/addons or garrysmod/garrysmod"
"This will replace the normal wheels so keep it backed up"
Model/vehicle: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123200
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