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BMW skins
Size: 1.51 MB | Date: 16.07.2011, 14:30 | Views: 1318 | Uploaded by: [AaO]Davis

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Тэги: bmw skin
skins tdm 

Three skins for the BMW. The black one was for TDM himself, and two skins with stripes, one what has sponsors and a black boot the other plane.

You can still use the colour tool on the striped ones.

The black wheels are included, if you want them just put them in the file :materials\models\tdmcars\bmwm5e60\
and then put the folder where ever you put TheDanishMaster's Bmw. "Either in garrysmod/garrysmod/addons or garrysmod/garrysmod"
"This will replace the normal wheels so keep it backed up"

Model/vehicle: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=123200


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