Howdy, folks. I doubt this will ever get very popular, seeing as it's a
pretty simple personal skin of a comic maker with little to no
popularity (that would be me), but, just in case, here's an explanation.
This is my new personal skin, and the first major change in skins since I
started way back in September 2007. It's just a good old regular
citizen model reskinned and neatly hexed by yours truly, with a custom
spawnlist just for it for good measure; as such, it's still got those
crappy hands and none of those fancy "enhanced" physics or
skin/bodygroups. I know, that makes it instantly obsolete, but I frankly
never got used to the enhanced models, so I stick with the classics. If
there are enough requests - which I seriously doubt -, I'll see to it
that I contact the folks responsible for those altered models and ask
for permission to use them. Until then, you're stuck with this.
If you want to learn more, you can always check my tiny blog, EFM, for comics, tutorials and news: