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Pelican Vehicle V3 SENT
Size: | Date: 17.10.2010, 19:36 | Views: 1114 | Uploaded by:

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"Pelican Vehicle V3 SENT"
Size: "2.4 MB"   Uploaded by: "Spoffy (MSRP)"

"Yes, I know this has the same images as the V2, that's because it's the same SENT with different features.

Remember, this is a SENT, not a dupe.

This one has:

Rolling, use A and D to roll onto the sides.
Vertical take off and landing. This is the main added feature. (VTOL) Use W and S
No more slow speed options, these have been replaced by the VTOL.
Zoomable view.


Me for the edits + VTOL
Phpmysql for the vehicle code.
Whoever made the Pelican Model.

Yes, I am aware the documentation will say it's the V2, this is indeed the V3, I forgot to change the readme and info files before I uploaded it.

Mouse - Look
Mouse1 - Move Forward
Mouse2 - Move Backward
W - Move UP
S - Move DOWN
A - Roll Left
D - Roll Right
Shift - Hover

Hold shift when moving up and Down with W and S, it smooths out the movement and prevents any bouncing on landing, provided you keep shift held.

Contact me at gamer_cad@yahoo.co.uk if you have any question, ideas, glitches or want me to put a model over this base or the Huey base."


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