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Mescool's Swep Pack
Size: | Date: 02.10.2010, 20:46 | Views: 1272 | Uploaded by:

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"Mescool's Swep Pack"
Size: "80.77 MB"   Uploaded by: "Mescool (Ringo"

"NEW SWEP PACK: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=82652 It's a lot better than this one.

EDIT: Holy shit, on the front page. Keep downloading guys

EDIT: I just noticed that one of the sweps is missing. You'll need to delete the cl_init.lua file in the folder "lua/weapons/weapon_big_ass_revolver. That should fix it.

After a couple weeks I got tired of making sweps over and over again so I'm just releasing them now.

There a 13 sweps in this pack. All sweps have iron sights (Except 2 which have scopes). All sweps have spawn icons.
One of the sweps was made by crysismaster (he asked me to put it in the pack)

Here's a quick demo of all the sweps.

FP Thread: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=777883"


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