"V4.0 On hold*** Making OC Weapon Pack. OC stands for Obsidian Conflict.
WOOT! Its released!
Changelog.txt says:
Added HeadcrabLess ZOMBINE. - 40% to Cat. Fixed speical zombies (Such as fsz,psz,and others) not spawning.(ONLY WORKS ON NPC MENU!) - ME 20%. changed the pistol reload sound to the original hl2 pistol reload sound. (its better than the ep2 reload sound.) - ME 20%. changed the crowbar icon when switching to it a axe. - ME 20%. Headcrabless zombies are now also on the npc menu. Everything equals 100%. key used:My fixes and adds will be 20%, Other peoples fixes and adds are 40%.
---------------------------------------------------\ My fixes and adds will be 20%. \ -- just means mine of this will be 20%. Other peoples fixes and adds are 40%. \ -- Just means other peoples Fixes and Adds. map adds are 40%. \ -- Just means Maps. If I cannot make it work, evrything will be 20%. \ -- means if I cannot make it all equal 100%, I use this If I STILL cannot make it work, everthing is 50% or 40%.\ -- means if I cannot make it all equal 100%, I use this. IF I STILL STILL cannot make it work, everthing is 10%. \ -- You know what this means. ----------------------------------------------------------\
Now, I still need someone to make the NH Pistol reload one hole file.
Thats all for now! BYE!"
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