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Team-Fortress 2 buildings
Size: | Date: 26.10.2010, 13:12 | Views: 4603 | Uploaded by:

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"Team-Fortress 2 buildings"
Size: "1.18 MB"   Uploaded by: "lord of pain"

"Reuploaded, because I forgot the sapper sent...

Facepunch thread: http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?p=11624903

You can get my other TF2 SWEPs here:

This is actually part of my tf2 gamemode for gmod, but since a lot of people wanted the buildings, I decided to release them seperately.
The buildings work almost exactly like the original TF2 ones. There are some small bugs I couldn't fix though:
- The dispenser doesn't have a display. I just couldn't find it anywhere, if someone knows where to find it, please tell me.
- Huds don't work for anyone who runs his game on a resolution lower than 1024 x 768 (They work best on 1600 x 1200)
- Wrench code is a bit messy, there could be some errors with it
- If you have the build/destroy pda out, and press one of the number-keys to build a building and you have bound one of these keys to something, it will be executed.

- Jinto: Made the code for the custom ammunition types, which I used for the metal ammo"


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