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TES: III Bow Pack
Size: 1.55 MB | Date: 23.04.2011, 11:19 | Views: 1708 | Uploaded by: HeIIsing

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Тэги: morrowind bows
arrow sweps 
I am very happy to release my next pack, as it has been awhile. It is the Bow + Arrow pack. This pack contains seven bows from Morrowind. Special thanks to Bethesda Softworks for the models, and Neotanks(Blargh123) for the great Lua.

Other than that, The swep is pretty easy to use and features a nice charge bar and zoom function. If you hold left click down the bar will charge at any point you can release it, if you hold it down to long it will automatically release itself. The zoom function is simple and requires only that you use secondary. The right side of the bows may be a little messed up as far as textures go, but that's all.

Thank you for downloading!

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNI_5WHVarc
Facepunch: http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1063442-Morrowind-Sweps?highlight=

Forgot to include this.Texture fix for my sweps here.: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=118656


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