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WAC CH-46 Sea Knight Add-on

Requires WAC Helicopter( http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?p=24066850 ).

SVN Pack now available!: http://wac-heli-pack.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

I present to you a tandem-rotor helicopter named the CH-46 Sea Knight, also known as the "Phrog" and has served the Marine Corp since 1964 and up to this very day! It is a medium lift helicopter, capable of lifting up to 25 troops (Max of 8 in-game). It has a top speed of 165 MPH (265 km/h) and is powered by 2 General Electric T58-GE-16 turboshafts, 1,870 shp (1,400 kW) each! Which makes this helicopter very useful for lifting supplies and equipment where ever you need them.

Place the 'WAC Boeing CH-46 Add-on' Folder into your main Addons Folder, Start GMod and your Good to Go!

Happy Flying.

Major Credit goes out to Flyboi for importing, Sabretooth for giving me the Model, and Kristan for making the Normal Maps!

Also, be Sure to Check out my Hughes 500D, UH-1Y Venom,
and MH-53 Sea Stallion!

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